An artist's rendering of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple
The Church has multiple temples on every continent. President Nelson has announced more temples than any previous prophet, and the Church is dramatically increasing the number of temples under construction (At the October 2021 General Conference, the Prophet Says the Church Will Build 13 More Temples).

Laie Hawaii (1919) was the first temple dedicated away from Church headquarters and was the first operating temple the Church dedicated outside Utah and outside North America (Public invited to tour historic Laie Hawaii Temple ahead of rededication).

Cardston Alberta (1923) was the first temple the Church dedicated outside the US (though Hawaii was not a state when they dedicated Laie it was a US territory) (Cardston Alberta Temple).

Bern Switzerland (1955) was the first temple the Church dedicated in Europe and the Eastern Hemisphere (The Pivotal Swiss Temple).

Hamilton New Zealand (1958) was the first temple the Church dedicated in Australasia and the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand Temple Closes for Renovations; See What It Will Look Like).

São Paulo Brazil (1978) was the first temple the Church dedicated in South America (The Sao Paulo Temple: Story of Sacrifice and Learning).

Tokyo Japan (1980) was the first temple the Church dedicated in Asia (Temple to Be Built in Tokyo).

Johannesburg South Africa (1985) was the first temple the Church dedicated in Africa (The Johannesburg South Africa Temple).

An artist's rendering of the Durban South Africa Temple
The temple furthest east of Salt Lake (111.89°W) is Durban South Africa (31.07°E) (Google Maps), until the dedication of Harare Zimbabwe (31.08°E) (Google Maps), Nairobi Kenya (36.7°E) (Google Maps), Beira Mozambique (site not yet chosen, about 34.9°E), and possibly the Russia Temple (city not yet chosen: There are stakes headquartered in Moscow, Saratov and St. Petersburg. Moscow would be about 37.6°E while Saratov would be about 45.9°E on the other hand St. Petersburg would be about 30.3 and therefore not as far east as Durban) and Dubai United Arab Emirates (site not yet chosen about 55.1°E).

Bangkok Thailand Temple
The temple furthest west of Salt Lake (111.89°W) is Bangkok Thailand (100.56°E) (Google Maps), until the dedication of Bengaluru India (77.70°E) (Google Maps).
Therefore there are currently no temples between 31.07°E and 100.56°E, a gap 69.49 degrees wide which equals approximately 19.3% or a little under a fifth of the earth’s circumference.

Anchorage Alaska Temple
The temple furthest north is Anchorage Alaska (61.10°N) (Google Maps) and the temple furthest south is Melbourne Australia (37.87°S) (Google Maps) until the dedication of Bahía Blanca Argentina (38.69°S).

The two temples closest to each other are Provo Utah Rock Canyon and Provo City Center (2.4 miles, 3.8 km) (Church of Jesus Christ Temples: Statistics) (until the dedication of the Teton River Idaho Temple).
Outside of Utah and the United States, the two temples closest to each other are Lima Peru and Lima Peru Los Olivos (11.99 miles, 19.3 km) (GoogleMaps) (until the dedication of the Miraflores Guatemala City Guatemala Temple).

Praia Cape Verde Temple
Currently the operating temple furthest from any other temple is the Praia Cape Verde Temple, which is 1,646.74 miles (2,650 km) from the Fortaleza Brazil Temple (Mapdevelopers.com) Praia will remain the furthest even after the dedication of the Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Temple reduces the distance down to 1,481.93 mi (2,384.94 km) (expected completion in 2024) (Mapdevelopers.com). Eventually the Bengaluru India Temple at 1,533.91 miles (2,468.6 km) from the Bangkok Thailand Temple will be the operating temple furthest from any other temple (Church of Jesus Christ Temples: Statistics).

Hong Kong China is currently the only temple in a country with a communist government (until the dedication of Shanghi China). The Church dedicated the Hong Kong temple before the People’s Republic of China took back governance of the territory of Hong Kong and they govern it differently from the rest of the country (Wikipedia: Hong Kong).

Freiberg Germany is the only temple the Church dedicated in a country with a communist government at the time they dedicated it (until the dedication of Shanghi China) (The Freiberg Germany Temple: A Latter-day Miracle).

Kyiv Ukraine Temple
Most of the temples are in traditionally Protestant Christian or Catholic Christian countries. There is only one temple in a traditionally Orthodox Christian country (Kyiv Ukraine, until the dedication of the Russia Temple) (Wikipedia: Eastern Orthodoxy by Country). There are 7 temples in traditionally Buddhist countries (Tokyo, Fukuoka, Sapporo, and Okinawa Japan, Taipei Taiwan, Seoul Korea, Hong Kong China and Bangkok Thailand, until the dedication of Phnom Penh Cambodia, Singapore, and Kaohsiung Taiwan) (Wikipedia: Buddhism by Country). There are no temples in traditionally Hindu countries (until the dedication of Bengaluru India) (Wikipedia: Hinduism by Country). There are no temples in countries with an absolute Muslim majority (until the dedication of the Freetown Sierra Leone and Dubai United Arab Emirates temples) (Wikipedia: Islam by Country).

London England Temple
The Church built temples in the following countries or overseas territories before they organized the first stakes in them:
Hawaii (a US territory until 1950) temple 1919 stake 1935.
Switzerland temple 1955 stake 1961.
New Zealand temple April 1958 stake May 1958.
United Kingdom temple 1958 stake 1960.
Since then they have only built temples in countries or overseas territories with at least one stake (until the dedication of Shanghi China) (First stake organized in countries of the world).
Every country and overseas territory with 4 or more stakes and all but one country with 3 stakes (Uganda) have a temple operating, under construction or announced (Facts and Statistics).
The following countries and overseas territories have at least one stake but no operating temple (Facts and Statistics):
Ivory Coast (18) - Abidjan Temple under construction
Nicaragua (12) - Managua Temple under construction
Sierra Leone (9) - Freetown Temple under construction
Zimbabwe (8) - Harare Temple under construction
Liberia (6) - Monrovia Temple announced
American Samoa, US Territory of (5) - Pago Pago Temple under construction
Mozambique (5) - Beira Temple announced
Congo, Republic of (4) - Brazzaville Temple announced
India (4) - Bengaluru Temple under construction
Madagascar (3) - Antananarivo Temple announced
Russia (3) - Russia Temple announced
Uganda (3)
Austria (2) - Vienna Temple announced
Belgium (2) - Brussels Temple announced
Benin (2)
Cambodia (2) - Phnom Penh Temple under construction
Indonesia (2)
Kenya (2) - Nairobi Temple under construction
Kiribati (2) - Tarawa Temple under construction
Marshall Islands (2)
Mongolia (2)
Norway (2) - Oslo Temple announced
Papua New Guinea (2) - Port Moresby Temple under construction
Togo (2)
Albania (1)
Angola (1)
Bahrain (1)
Botswana (1)
Czech Republic (1)
Hungary (1) - Budapest Temple announced
Ireland (1)
Jamaica (1)
Micronesia (1)
New Caledonia, French Territory of (1)
Singapore (1) - Singapore Temple announced
Trinidad and Tobago (1)
United Arab Emirates (1) - Dubai Temple announced
Vanuatu (1) - Port Vila Temple under construction
Zambia (1)